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Author Topic: The Battlefield 3 Beta is a MASSIVE letdown.  (Read 56781 times)
=[TN]= Venus_Wong
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« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2011, 12:23:41 AM »

Im in wait and see mode now. If after launch the game is polished and much better than people fear, I will get it at some point. I agree Renegade, if it comes to Steam then I will get it there.

=[TN]= Venus_Wong
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« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2011, 12:54:58 AM »

Uhhh...Homefront anyone? LOL.

DICE has a proven track record of disregarding their forum communities' feedback and response. When a group of developers behaves that way, I could care less how "playable" or "fun" the game is..they're not getting my money.

I already made that mistake once...BFBC2...doh!!! (smacks forehead)
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« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2011, 04:00:59 PM »

well if you like to beat one game into the dirt like mw3 will be then go ahead myself i like options so i can jump back and forth between the two and not beat them into the dirt nearly as fast.  both games won't mean shit though once star wars is released in december anyhow, i will disappear for at least 6 months playing that game and only occasionly play bf and mw3 here and there.
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2011, 05:51:13 PM »

well if you like to beat one game into the dirt like mw3 will be then go ahead myself i like options so i can jump back and forth between the two and not beat them into the dirt nearly as fast.  both games won't mean shit though once star wars is released in december anyhow, i will disappear for at least 6 months playing that game and only occasionly play bf and mw3 here and there.

Haha me too.
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« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2011, 09:22:06 PM »

I am right there with the both of you on the Star Wars front.  White Christmas?  What?  My light saber is not white!!!  Is it day or night out?


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« Reply #35 on: October 08, 2011, 05:08:47 PM »

OK so I have to say that with getting to play Caspian Border the game is WAY different and alot more of what I expected to see.

I have seen that they have changed the way squads work, and several other issues I had with the beta.

As for the web page launch I still hate that but that is staying from what I have heard an read.

So I am more likely to get the game now then I was 2 weeks ago.

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« Reply #36 on: October 09, 2011, 10:41:44 PM »

The game rocks and I am not kidding even with the beta bugs, though surprisingly enough not as many in the Caspian map.  That map is exactly why this is a battlefield game.  I have NEVER and I mean NEVER played a game so realistic as Battlefield 3 at least the big maps. 

Also I highly recommend if you have an nVidia card to go ahead and install the beta drivers.  It was almost like night and day with them when it comes to BF3 graphics and performance.

[TC] Action
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« Reply #37 on: October 10, 2011, 06:51:45 PM »

I am still not convinced on BF3.  I will wait and see and maybe get it.  But I will be getting MW3.


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« Reply #38 on: October 10, 2011, 07:31:17 PM »

I hear ya Jeff, I am not 100% but I am more liking now that I played the new 64 player map.    I dont think I will be one that plays it alot more likely to play it at lans etc, but I will play more mw3 until SW comes out.  Soon as SW is out I will be playing that pretty much only, with some mw3 when I wanna frag some people.

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« Reply #39 on: October 10, 2011, 09:17:54 PM »

Crashgirl and I will be definitely purchasing BF3.  We had a lot of fun in the beta even with the bugs an quirks.

[TC] Action
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« Reply #40 on: October 11, 2011, 02:47:18 PM »

I guess I'm with Action on this one.  I had a lot of fun with Battlefield 3 during the BETA.  That includes both the Rush and Conquest modes.  

They apparently were changing and improving stuff before and after rather quickly.  I noticed a lot of the things described on the first page were not how they were when I got to play the game during the Open Beta.  I could launch the game from any browser.  I never even tried launching the game from Origin.  I always launched it from Battlelog via Firefox.  I also could close the game at any point by just simply "X-ing" out of it, or closing it via Battlelog.

I also had my stats save mid-games even if we had a crash.  Even if we had a server disconnect and some of my stats didn't get recorded, I would have probably more quickly assumed that this was due to the fact that it's, well... a BETA, and not that it's going to be that way in the final game.  Which it doesn't appear to be.

Some of the stuff they've reported on changing from this point on also sound good.  Squads are reportedly going to be more like the original Battlefield games upon release, being able to more easily stick with your friends.  As well as options for menus and settings prior to actually deploying.

Don't get me wrong from the "tone" of my post.  I definitely don't approve of this experimental browser-launching nonsense.  Especially on a game that I want to be devoting all my computer's resources to (durring the single player definitely), and it's forcing me to have so much extra running in the background.  I LIKE Battlelog, a Facebook-esque site for gamers that constantly records everything.  I just really hate how they're making the game's launch and settings based around it.  It's quite strange to say the least.

Either way, I'll definitely be picking this up, as well as Modern Warfare 3.
« Reply #41 on: October 11, 2011, 06:45:45 PM »

I LOVE the game, but would have been disappointed had they not put squad management in the release.  However, it's been implied that squad will be similar to it's predecessor once the game is released -- yay!  The bigger maps are awesome.  I suck at flying, but LOVE the tanks.   Can't wait!!!  
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« Reply #42 on: October 11, 2011, 07:14:44 PM »

I too was pretty iffy with the web based battle log, but I understand the reasoning and have now started to like it.  This gives them the ability to update it without having to send out major patches to the game itself.  I see a lot of future games following suit.  I do recommend to go ahead and use IE for this as even when IE is closed it still uses resources because a lot of the OS uses core IE.  No need to use even more resources and load a 3rd party broswer for the game.

Origin is a joke right now but that should not be used against DICE or BF3.  That is an EA thing.  I want to play this game the day it comes out but yes I would rather have a steam version.  I am waiting to pre-order to see if an agreement is made and it will come out on steam day one.


[TC] Action
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« Reply #43 on: October 13, 2011, 03:11:55 AM »

This all sounds good to me, especially the squad stuff!  .....

Battlefield 3 Beta Interview
 By Bennett Ring | Oct 11, 2011
 Developer talks VOIP, bullet damage, squad control, and more.
 Who better to speak to about the issues arising from the recent Battlefield 3 beta than the game's Lead Multiplayer Designer, Lars Gustavsson. After pumping dozens of hours into the beta we had plenty of questions for him during yesterday's Australian Battlefield 3 event. Where's the VOIP and joystick support? Will bullet damage be altered? Can we set up our own squads? Why are jet campers such douchebags? Lars answered all of these, and more.

GameSpy: The beta didn't work well with joysticks or control pads. What level of support for these devices will the game ship with? Will pilots be able to fly with a stick or pad?
Lars: It's something we're looking into. It looks like we will be able to ship with joystick support, but I've been on the road for quite some time so I can't guarantee it. But yes, if it doesn't turn up at launch, it will definitely be a high priority as soon as possible after shipping. The work being done to support joysticks is more or less the same as control pads, if you get one, you get the other. It's something we're aware of now that we've brought back the jets. It's on the list.

GameSpy: The beta didn't support in-game VOIP; players had to form a party through battlelog to be able to chat just to their party. Will Battlefield 3 include in-game VOIP – be it squad or team based – at launch?
Lars: No, on PC this (battlelog) is what we're going to ship with. Then we're going to evaluate how we move forward with this. It's something we've heard from the community, it's something we understand. At the same time, building a game of this size, you can't win all of the battles. The convenience of going in with friends with your party VOIP channel and keep it even after the game, is definitely a strength. That's just the start – we can definitely evolve from there down the road.

GameSpy: We've heard there's going to be a command rose at launch for PC. Is that still going to be ready for launch? What sort of functionality might it include?
Lars: It is on our list for trying to get in there at launch. It is the usual things that you can really miss on the battlefield. Bail out is a typical one; you're sitting in a helicopter and you realize that you want to attack the flag, and there's no way to tell you're buddy that you're going to bail out.

GameSpy: What about ammo, medpacks, that sort of stuff?
Lars: We have the context system today, but it was buggy in the open beta. We've been hammering it to get it right.

GameSpy: There's been some feedback that some people found bullet damage too strong in the beta. Any plans to tweak it?
 "...a lot of the issues that people have raised have already been fixed."
Lars: We've done a lot of tweaking and tuning, everyone needs to understand that the beta was early code. Everything from hit detection to damage, flashlights that people have been mentioning – a lot of the issues that people have raised have already been fixed.

GameSpy: Are you toning the flashlights down a bit?
Lars: Yeah, they should be much better at release.

GameSpy: What level of squad control will the release have? In the beta you couldn't form a squad, join a specific squad or lock a squad so it's just you and friends – will the final release be different?
Lars: At release you'll be able to invite friends, join squads, all the stuff that you need to be able to play with your friends. Getting into the server and seeing your friend, but not being able to play with them, is nothing but frustrating.

GameSpy: A lot of the oldschool, hardcore Battlefield players are asking for an advanced flight model option for choppers and jets – any chance you'll consider this requests?
Lars: For now we're leaving them the way they are, and will let the game live for a little while, then start the communication with the community to see where we stand.

GameSpy: The PC version looks quite different to the console versions. Do you think there will be any critical backlash from console gamers? Most of the marketing material is very PC focused, so they might be expecting something different to what they end up getting?
Lars: I don't think so. Most gamers do realize that the consoles are five years old, and if someone buys new SLI cards for their monster PC, there will be something extra for the PC. If we kept everything on console level for those PC players, then they would rightfully strangle us! I do think we have managed to push the boundaries of the consoles to a level where I feel we've passed the competition. That's all you can ask out of the team at this point.

GameSpy: Do you think building for PC first and foremost will give DICE a headstart when it comes to developing an engine for the next gen consoles? You'll be adept at multicore, multi-GPU and DirectX 11, where many other companies won't?
Lars: The main focus has been to build a game. Of course we have the technical thinking behind it, but we've been leading with console for quite some time now and it was time to turn it around to refresh all of our knowledge on previous titles. But yeah, the Frostbite 2.0 engine has been built to – as far as we possibly can – prepare for a modular approach to whatever may come in the future.
GameSpy: Do you think it will give you an advantage over other developers who are sticking with the old hardware?
Lars: We hope so. I think it's been a very mature move from Dice to invest in this new engine that allows us to keep on cramming more stuff out of these machines, otherwise we start to stall. I also think that's something that, to me, sticks out with Battlefield 3. It is a fresh take on an otherwise quite stale shooter market. We're trying to do a lot of things that no one has done before. Animation has stayed the same for ages, now we've revolutionized animation in shooters. We keep on pushing the boundaries for scale, for destruction.

"It's really gold for us to get this insight from the community."
 GameSpy: What's the biggest lesson you got from the beta – were there any breakthroughs, or a collection of smaller insights?
Lars: For us it's validating and solving problems with the backend servers. Validating that it all worked to ensure we have a really good launch. In addition to that getting the audience's eyes on battlelog, having them try it out, even though it's rough code still. It's really gold for us to get this insight from the community. Yes, they're loud sometimes, and very passionate about it, but I'd rather have them loud and passionate than not talking to us at all. So I see that as a sign of investment.

GameSpy: When Bad Company 2 came out there were lots of issues with the server browser for the first few days. Do you think your beta testing will ensure that everything will work well on Day 1? Are you confident of a perfect launch?
Lars: That is the intention of course. I am much more confident than before the open beta. It's like when you do a parachute jump – you can only fold your parachute so many times. For every game we get more experienced, and we've definitely done the best we can, far beyond what we've ever done before, to make this a successful launch. Of course, if numbers go totally bananas, there's always areas that you can't predict. If that happens then those are luxury problems.
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« Reply #44 on: October 13, 2011, 12:35:25 PM »

Hmm, sounds like the first half of the interview is "it's on our list".  I'll continue to wait on this one.


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